
Exploring Unknown Inside of us via Math

When you do math, what happens at the inside of you?

You see a quetion and begin to think about it as compared with what you have learned or logics with which you can operate. Then sometimes you reach the answer and occasionally lose your way. At the end, whether your output of the answer is correct or wrong, the course to the answer is from the inside of you.  I mean the answer does not spontaneously come from somewhere, but you think about it whether the answer is correct or not.  Let us think about the course at the inside of us, especially in brain, and widely in body connected with each organs.

Any examination or test requires the result, which is determined by others, so your thinking about questions must be output from your inside to check whether it is correct or wrong. We have met these kind of situation so many times that we care so much about our outputs. Of course, the outputs are from inside which can't been clearly seen, compared with the outputs of answer itsself. So brushing your inside up is definitely important, but the true step of study is ambiguous except the step of keeping practice.

Almost of us don't know exactly about what happens in a semiconductor when smart phone or PC works.  But we can use it without such high level knowledge.  Deeper knowledge of tools, generally speaking, are often useful. Our brain is a kind of a black box from an angle of science.  So what happens in your brain is still unknown when do math, and even when you speak.  Despite of the fact, taking care of what makes you to do such thing is very powerful, especially in your mistakes.

Please try mathing!

I am now challenging to give you the pleasure by following the course to the answer in these app. They are far from completion, but I hope you feel something. Please check them out! https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=MathContext

Thank you for reading. Have fun!

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