
Thinking about Mathematical Model of Thinking

A mathematical model is a description of a system using  mathematical concept and language. (from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_model ) The mathematical model is constructed by human brains, but our thoughts can not be modeled as mathematical system.   On the contrary, logic by mother language is so powerful to describe our thoughts.   Let's thinking about mathematical and logical model of thinking.

As mentioned above, thinking itself uses logic, but logic itself is not mathematically restricted.  Furthermore creativity, imagination or humor seems non-logic one.

To see this world, the earth goes around sun.  The air's elements are nitrogen, oxygen and carbon and so on.  Even plants, animals and micro-organisms are formed from cells which are constructed by molecules.  All of them are in the field of science.  So thinking must be based on mathematical models, but we cannot have found out it.  But considering prime numbers model,  Riemann hypothesis remains unsolved, it is no doubt to solve the thinking model by mathematical models.

Now thinking about solved question, Poincare conjecture, the way to the answer gives us some points.
1.  From Geometrization conjecture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometrization_conjecture ), any world, 3-dimension space, i.e. 3-manifolds can be classified into only 8 types of construct.  For the mathematical model of thinking, classification can be useful.

2.  It is differential geometry or Ricci flow equation that resolved the topological question, Poincare conjecture.  For the model, we can sometimes uses topology, logic model, and in another occasion, differential geometry, mathematical model.  "Double standard" or multi-standard is much more powerful, if the standards are controlled.

Anyway thinking deeply beyond a language needs mathematics.  If you hate math in class, it is like dropping money.  As you know, you don't actually drop some money by hating math, and sometimes to earn something requires to lose others.  But math can be a tool to see the world from another angles.  Please check out math apps. 

Thanks for reading.

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